Past few weeks my Google Home has been rendered useless.
It's unable to do anything as a smart home device should do, apart from telling me that it hasn't got internet connection right now.
After searching around the internet. I found a few old posts dated back in the last 2 years. The solution is to create an ad-hoc/hotspot in a mobile phone then connect the Google Home device to it then switch the device back to normal wifi again. It managed to run for a few hours then back to the same problems again. So I decide to do something slightly different today and he's the steps.
- Create a guest network using your router, preferably with WPA-PSK security setting.
- Reset the Google Home device
- Connect your mobile to the guest network that you just setup
- Connect your mobile to Google Home device. You should see something like GoogleHome.xxxxk (random set of number). You will be disconnecting from the guest wifi.
- Open up Google Home app then continue with the setup
- After finishing the setup, leave the device on the guest network for 30 mins or more before switching back to the normal wifi.
Hopefully, this solution will help everyone but should you find different solutions please put on the comment.
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